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Категория:About Us

Membership & Staffing:
There are 19 individual members but no dues paid; 27 partners in almost 400 municipalities (settlements in towns and villages) and variety of Unions of Rural women and resource centers. Many of the members are sectoral associations; the partnerships depend on issue (such as The Coalition Against Corruption; RF Association of Business Women; Best Director Contest, Gold Fund, etc.)
Angara Milestone:
Although the Baikal Regional Union of Women “Angara” was officially registered in May of 1995 as an NGO, it was formed in 1992 and functions in Irkutsk and Irkutsk Oblast as one of the regional NGO’s.
  1. Participation in UN Women’s Forum in Beijing.
  1. Organized the first Baikal Women’s Forum entitled “Women for Planet Survival”; the Forum has been held once every two years (6 Forums have been held) since 1996.
  1. Angara initiated the project “Leadership that Connects” which created a network of women’s organizations of Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia, Asia and globally.
  2. Angara started the regional content “Woman: the best Director of the Year” and prepared the all Russian content in cooperation with the Russian Association of Businesswomen, a Moscow based organization.
  3. Angara started work on the problems of trafficking of women and children.
  1. The project “Initiatives of Women in Baikal Region” began, which provides the possibility of cooperation with the Republic of Buryatia (their neighbor and partner in sharing Lake Baikal) and further development of regional networks. The program helped to develop WBA’s and systems for women in need. Angara began publishing a series of books entitled “Initiatives of Women of Baikal Region” (15 books have been published to date).
  1. Angara began the Center of Management for Women in cooperation with UNDP.
  1. The first issue in Russian of the manual entitled “Gender and Society” was published.
  2.  Participation in the International Forum of Eastern Asian Women.
  1. The Program of Gender Development of the Siberian Federal District was adopted at the 4th Baikal Forum. Seven UN Agencies, representatives of Russian Parliament and other state Russian structures, international donor funds and many representatives of civil society took part in the design and implementation of the program.
  1. Angara started their Anti-Corruption work, including monitoring of budgets, parliamentary activities and procurement by the authorities.
  1. Organized the first public discussion of the Budget of Irkutsk Oblast.
  1. Began the series of creation of social clinics with the cooperation of Irkutsk State University.
  2. Published the Gold Fund Book.
  1. Angara Executive Director was invited by the US Department of State/USAID to attend conferences on Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Corruption in Washington DC.

(c)Womangara.ru 2025